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Dalia Weinreb R.D
Sep 25, 2016
Article: Corruption in the Food Industry; Sugar and Heart Disease Research
A couple of weeks ago, JAMA published a paper which demonstrated that back in the 1960's, the sugar industry paid research scientists to...

Dalia Weinreb R.D
Aug 28, 2016
Smug Vegans
It's been aaaaaages since I wrote here...I've been busy with life, but also having great fun devoting some more time to Instagram...

Dalia Weinreb R.D
Jun 30, 2016
Testimonial: Nutrition for asthma, food allergies and optimal digestion
Hello everyone! I just received a lovely testimonial from my client MT who came to me with multiple food allergies, low energy, upset...

Dalia Weinreb R.D
Jun 24, 2016
It's not just what you eat, it's also when you eat...
There's a new-ish field of nutrition research, known as chrono-nutrition, which studies the interaction between the natural, intrinsic...

Dalia Weinreb R.D
May 24, 2016
Nutrition and Human Behaviour: The Rising Network for Women
I had great fun yesterday evening speaking at The Rising Network about nutrition and human behaviour. A little picture is attached from...

Dalia Weinreb R.D
May 21, 2016
'Doorway drugs': The problem with heartburn medication
I have my own name for medications which indicate to me that a patient is entering a path of general health decline: 'doorway drugs':...
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